Stripe API change cause the failure of creating plan object

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalStripe API change cause the failure of creating plan object
Gavin asked 6 years ago
got the following error when I try to create plan object in tripe via laraship, "message": "Received unknown parameters: name, statement_descriptor", After checking, noticed that Stripe recently updated their APIs (The plan object fields statement_descriptor and name attributes have been moved to product objects) Do you have plan to update Laraship accordingly? or any quick fix for that? Thanks. Gavin
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago
Hello, Please update stripe Plugin to 1.3.4   to do a quick fix till we upgrade and test the new changes lets try the following solution:   Corals\modules\Payment\Stripe\Message\AbstractRequest.php line 195   add to the array the following element 'Stripe-Version' => '2017-12-14'   so the array will be like this $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->getApiKey() . ':'), 'Stripe-Version' => '2017-12-14');