Reset Password Function is Not Working

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalReset Password Function is Not Working
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

When reset token is expired or used you are getting redirected to the login page, we just confirmed its working, here is sample url

Arif Hidyawan replied 6 years ago

I tried to click immediately when the email arrived, but still redirect to the login form

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

This is Laravel core feature and we haven’t made any customizations to it and its working at our site, please give it more debugging.

Arif Hidyawan replied 6 years ago

I use corals-foundation v1.7.7 & corals-user v.1.4.5
Are there differences with your version?

Arif Hidyawan replied 6 years ago


I try to change your token, ex: or it’s shows reset password form. But when I try to our website, ex: it’s redirect to login page.

Please help

Arif Hidyawan replied 6 years ago

Solved. Sorry my bad, I accidentally wrote 1 line of code. Thank you

Saeed Matar answered 6 years ago

Glad you found the issue, Yes its not Laraship related