Register new user with confirmation

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalRegister new user with confirmation
Michael Leonzio asked 5 years ago
Hello, I turned on the confirmation setting for users then when i create a new user and the message that told me to confirm it, i couldnt find the email. is there a specific setting that i need to do?
2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, User Confirmation only works using registration from the register page, not from manual admin creation.
Michael Leonzio replied 5 years ago

yes i know that. my problem here is when i register a user from registration page /register , the notification on bottom right telling me to confirm the email but i dont received the email.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Did you check Junk or Spam folder ?

Michael Leonzio replied 5 years ago

yap i checked every single tab of my inbox but nothing from laraship or anything about register confirmation

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, Did you modify your email settings at .env file, default settings are emails sent to log file. for example if you need to send emails via Gmail   Or via SendGrid    

Michael Leonzio replied 5 years ago

yes i did, the email is sent correctly when i sent one through contact_us page, but doesnt work when i register a new user (confirmation email).

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

I’ve had this same issue, what you can do is enable debug logging and test a user registration yourself and keep a look at the bottom right corner for an error message and check your logs at storage/logs.