Register as a Doctor – updated in Available user Role

Laraship QuestionsCategory: ConfigurationRegister as a Doctor – updated in Available user Role
manigds.ksit asked 3 years ago
I have installed Registration Module, Under Setting, in user screen, I have added Doctor role in - available registration role, but it is not visible on Register Page, We also want the doctor to select the classification, Gold, Silver or Standard when they register. how to use that feature?
Saeed Matar Staff replied 3 years ago

these are custom changes since they are related to your business, if you want laraship team to do the changes, we recommend to prepare a scope of changes then send them at to be able to do an estimation.

manigds.ksit replied 3 years ago

My requirement is not custom changes, my question is, : You have not created a demo for it

laraship Staff replied 3 years ago

what you see in the demo is the same code set you downloaded.

manigds.ksit replied 3 years ago

Pl understand, I never mentioned you that the codes are different from Demo,

What I meant is: You have not created the demo to see how it works, there is issue in your demo itself, the issue is your demo is incomplete

However we hired a Laravel developer, with great difficulty, we understood the structure & created it.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 3 years ago
Hello, In order to under how this feature will work please check our documentation  
  • Default Registration role can set from the Settings, however with Laraship you can create different themes and URLs for registration for each role, so instead of a standard /register URL, it can be /register/business or /register/buyer, and the same thing for login. pages, overridden login and registration pages should be located under resources/themes/[active-theme]/login/[role].blade.php and resources/themes/[active-theme]/register/[role].blade.php as in the screenshot below