Products section

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalProducts section
paboda.h asked 6 years ago


In Admin panel classified > products goes to a 500 page


Also frontend Create product also goes to a 500 page. Could you please help resolving this?

2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Can you enable debugging mode at .env file by set APP_DEBUG=true

then you can paste the error message you're getting here


paboda.h replied 6 years ago

Thank you.
I enabled and found out there is a module missing – use Corals\Modules\Ecommerce\Traits\EcommerceGallery;

Gives the error in class ProductsController line 16 (use EcommerceGallery)

ProductsController extends BaseController
use EcommerceGallery;

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Have you downloaded the newer version I sent you?, because this issue should be fixed already

paboda.h replied 6 years ago


Yeah you were right. My bad. Issue resolved. Thank you

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

:) Awesome, glad you have it right !