Private seller

Paul asked 4 years ago
The laraship standard plattform is vor buyer and vendors, but I would like it to use for used parts from private seller. Does the classified plugin do the job?
How does looks an account? Will be 3 Account types like vendor, buyer, seller? or can a buyer sell items aswell?
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, There is no transactions or payments with Laraship Classified, so if you need online payments we can integrate the private seller as custom development service, please reach us at for a quote.   Best Regards. replied 4 years ago

Ok, it is not so important to have a transaction or payment for private seller. Communitcating via PM ist ok.
But referring to my questions at the top, how does the system looks like?

Will be three account types? in the classified demo there are no vendor accounts. Is it possible to use it aswell?

Private & Vendor