Price of products in decimals

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalPrice of products in decimals
hola asked 5 years ago
Hi, When a customer sets a price in decimal (example: 4.5), when published automatically it appears as an integer (instead of 4.5 it appears 5). How can I configure this? Thanks
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, In the Currency management you can see the active currency and the format of the money, this is a standard however you can override it but need to be careful
hola replied 5 years ago


I understand that you refer to this option

What exactly should I put to avoid problems and that prices appear in decimal?


hola replied 5 years ago

Hi, I’m waiting for an answer.

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, We checked in your case and looks like the formatter has unexpected behavior because your currency symbol has, for now, we replaced the "." with "," and decimals are showing now
hola replied 5 years ago


I just tried its modification and it remained the same, but I changed the symbol “S /.” to “S /” without the dot “.” and it was fixed.

I report it to help the community.
