Override theme layouts

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalOverride theme layouts
ryan adams asked 5 years ago
Hi, I have created a child theme of the "marketplace-master" theme. Now I want to override layouts files. Here is the path resources\themes\marketplace-master\layouts I can override templates files (resources\themes\marketplace-master\templates) but not layouts files Is there any different way to override layouts? Awaiting for your response
laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

You should be able to override all files, first, can you make sure the theme is currently active and loading?

ryan adams replied 5 years ago


I confirmed that the child theme is currently activated.

Note: I am able to override files in templates directory but not files in layouts directory.

There is no way to add an attachment here, so adding a screenshot

Please let me know what is wrong. Let me know if you need site access.

Thanks & Regards

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago


Please send us FTP and application login to info@corals.io so we can check.


ryan adams replied 5 years ago


Email sent with required details

Thanks & Regards

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, We just tried to override layouts and its working sucessfully, please check the example we created for public.blade.php
ryan adams replied 5 years ago


Yes, I can override public.blade.php but not master.blade.php and also other files in crud folder. I actually want to override few files of crud folder in layouts.

Thanks & Regards