order status when paid contant

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicalorder status when paid contant
whitetornado.nl asked 6 years ago

we have the cash plugin. When a order is paid with cash, the order status get the Payment Status "pending" while its paid with cash? How to set this to "paid"

2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


The Admin can update the order manually from the orders page, please check the screenshot.

Henk Nienhuis replied 6 years ago

But if the order is paid and then complete why the status is not on paid? It’s a fault in the lovic

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


This is giving admin more flexibility to set order status independent of payment, we have so many clients who requested to be this way

H..T. Nienhuis replied 6 years ago

can we set the status on “paid” automatically if cashpayment is selected? For us is that more logic.. to avoid that the order will not processed because the order payment status shows “pending”