Missing Assets. Please see the pictures.

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalMissing Assets. Please see the pictures.
5 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Its preey clear that your public files are missing, we just confirmed the assets are there, please make sure all images, css and js are under the public folder

25031961Jralves replied 6 years ago

See the image.

junior replied 6 years ago

I can not find the files. I would like you to see the pictures and if you can follow through with what I asked for. Grateful for the attention.


laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


can you check if you have this file for example : public/assets/themes/express/js/functions.js

junior replied 6 years ago

Hello .. Good night. This file does not exist.


junior replied 6 years ago

marketplace-master and marketplace-pro. They are the ones that do not work.

junior replied 6 years ago

Hello. In the store package is missing the marketplace-master


laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Hello Junior,
We’re updating the package in few mins, will keep you updated

junior replied 6 years ago

OK thank you.

junior replied 6 years ago

Hello. The platform is up to date.?

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


You can download the new version with lastest fixes :)

junior replied 6 years ago

Update of laravel giving error. see the photo


junior replied 6 years ago

[12:36, 13/1/2019]: Of course not. I already made several mistakes on the platform of voices. neither one of the themes is working.
[22:34, 13/1/2019]: Good night. My problem has not yet been resolved.?
[00:44, 14/1/2019]: Will you upgrade the ELITE package and MRAKETPLACE?
[00:45, 14/1/2019]: I bought several voice products. The least they can do is give me the product working.

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


  • We have already, mentioned the package you extracted are missing.
  • Marketplace abd Elite products are already upgraded to Laravel 5.7
  • The products are 100%, just make sure you have a complete package extracted. and that your server meet the requirements.

ralvarez replied 6 years ago

I have downloaded the latest version of this product and all these platform always said that couldn’t be updated since Lararship is now on Laravel 5.7. Also I imported the demo data and the assets are missing.

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago


Can you please send us the login and server access URL for your installation along with your license key to info@corals.io

ralvarez replied 6 years ago

Information sent!

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Hello @ralverez the issue should be fixed, can you check

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

The error in the screenshot below means that your product is still not upgraded, did you run composer update ?

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Also please note you have bought the standard license, where remote updates are not available

junior replied 6 years ago

I bought 4 products from you. Can not you help me solve this?

junior replied 6 years ago

I have already shown several errors on your platform. You could at least help me with my problem.

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Sure please send us server access to info@corals.io and we will check your installation