May i know why my page contact us error?

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalMay i know why my page contact us error?
Eric Lau asked 4 years ago
  1. Can you please check why my contact us page error for 
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, Recaptcha Invalid domain for site key Recaptcha indicates that you need to create a key for your domain, and then add these generated keys to your .env filee   NOCAPTCHA_SITEKEY=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
NOCAPTCHA_SECRET=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY First, we can start by giving gratitude that Google didn’t can reCAPTCHA v2 right away like they did Google+. Kidding aside if you do not have a Google Account already you will need to create one, specifically for the Google reCAPTCHA admin console. Once you have an account created and you’re logged into the Google reCAPTCHA console you will be greeted with the register new site screen. If not, click the plus sign at the top right:    
  • Label: You can use pretty much anything you want (it’s not exposed to the public) but consider something intuitive such as the website name that the key belongs to
  • Under reCAPTCHA type, select reCAPTCHA v2 and then select the “I’m not a robot” Checkbox option that appears below it
  • Domains
    • Add only the domain or sub-domain itself (i.e. no protocols, slashes, ports, etc…) so as an example, this would be and to cover both variants of the website.
    • These variations won’t work as they contain protocols and ports: or
  • Owners
    • Optionally add additional owners (these must be email addresses associated with Google accounts)
  • Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service
    • Admire the minutia and font size of Google API’s Terms of Use
    • When satisfied that you didn’t go to law school to spend all day writing the aforementioned terms, click the Accept checkbox
  • Send alerts to owners
    • Unless your grandparents are one of the owners listed and you’re concerned that they might be confused about notifications regarding spikes in traffic or site configuration issues, checking this is recommended
  • Click the SUBMIT button (it’s all capitals to lend it legitimacy so that you know that it’s an important final step)
  Now it’s time to get those keys working for you AKA combating the legions of spam-happy bots that are constantly picking at your site, only too eager to generate spam. .