Log returns error when setting custom field to return category list

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalLog returns error when setting custom field to return category list
dev-3190 asked 5 years ago

We have set up a custom field of multi value type that gets the options from Database - > Category(Classifieds) -> name. Upon editing the user when we type a category name in that field, Server error is returned and the error log throws the error from the attached file.
We have tried to map the field to products and it worked perfectly. It looks like the same error we had when we tried to get the app working in the first place.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello. There is nothing in our code that requires productforms.imobiliare  view, so it should be custom code done on your end.
dev-3190 replied 5 years ago

The uploaded log was complete with other errors that do not cause the issue submitted.I uploaded a new log file with the specific error instead of the entire log file since i see you could`t tie my post to a log entry. Error has nothing to do with the View. How i said before, in the administration dashboard, when setting a custom field to multi value, and using the map values from database form group to map the field to Category values from DB, we get the same error we got when we deployed the platform, error that as a client i would expect to be fixed on an end product. Class not found is not a casual one time low repro error and the way that you treat the issues is far from professional. However please see the new logs and try to find a fix as soon as possible.