Loading Custom Made Blade Views

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalLoading Custom Made Blade Views
jedjie asked 5 years ago
Hello,I am supposed to display my custom made views, I cant design this to the built-in Page Designer because its complex with displaying multiple records,how can I invoke this from my controller code, I already copied them under the saas themeI am using this normal method of loading blade view.return view(\'user.journals.index\')
2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

We just give you an example, we don't know what is the hint path for your custom module as you built it, this should be under your ServiceProvider boot function

        $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/resources/views', 'YourAliasName');

jedjie replied 5 years ago

Hello, It is loading now after I did adding it to the service provider boot -> ( $this->loadViewsFrom(base_path(‘/resources/themes/saas’), ‘SAAS’); )

I am able to load it now with return view(‘SAAS::user.journals.index’) . Thanks!

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


You need to call it with reference to your module name space for example if your module namespace is SAAS then

view.return view(’SAAS::user.journals.index’)

jedjie replied 5 years ago

ok thanks sir. but it responded (local.ERROR: No hint path defined for [SAAS]),
I forgot to mention I am loading the blade page under saas theme coming from my Journal module controller that I created from the Foo Module template.


jedjie replied 5 years ago

Hello, It is loading now after I did adding it to the service provider boot -> ( $this->loadViewsFrom(base_path(‘/resources/themes/saas’), ‘SAAS’); )

I am able to load it now with return view(‘SAAS::user.journals.index’) . Thanks!

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Good to hear 🙂

jedjie replied 5 years ago

I think I cracked the way Laraship intends to present to the logged in user the redirection to the Dashboard when a Member is logged in, then you will control to the declared Roles the User should be presented on the allowed Custom Module you made that you want to be exposed and accessible only by that particular logged in user.

Neat! 🙂

The Template blade views are all there already, and one should follow the conventions of the breadcrumbs template and everything the Sample they Included.

All you need to follow is declaring the fields you want to be displayed in the Datatables Class and to the Presenter Class for CRUD purposes and the rest is up to you on how you display other fancies you want.

And the \CoralsForm is so much handy to use. So great! 🙂