Invalid PayPal Invoice Code

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalInvalid PayPal Invoice Code
yann asked 6 years ago
No invoice is created and I get this error from laravel.log: [2018-08-14 12:27:22] production.ERROR: Invalid PayPal Invoice Code. Please check WebhookCall: 11 {"exception":"[object] (Corals\Modules\Payment\PayPal\Exception\PayPalWebhookFailed(code: 0): Invalid PayPal Invoice Code. Please check WebhookCall: 11 at /var/www/childtracker/childtracker/Corals/modules/Payment/PayPal/Exception/PayPalWebhookFailed.php:18) [stacktrace] 0 /var/www/childtracker/childtracker/Corals/modules/Payment/PayPal/Job/HandleInvoicePaymentSucceeded.php(51): Corals\Modules\Payment\PayPal\Exception\PayPalWebhookFailed::invalidPayPalInvoice(Object(Corals\Modules\Payment\Models\WebhookCall)) I find nothing relating to the PayPal Invoice Code.
laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Can you send us the webhook payload and see if there is an invoice with this code in the invoices screen

yann replied 6 years ago

the invoices screen is empty. no invoice ever. I cna’t attach file here I think. here is a Copy paste.

Id Event Payload Exception Gateway Processed Créé le
11 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED PayPal_Rest – 14 Aug, 2018
10 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED PayPal_Rest – 11 Aug, 2018
9 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED PayPal_Rest – 10 Aug, 2018
8 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED PayPal_Rest – 07 Aug, 2018
7 paypal_rest.BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.CANCELLED – PayPal_Rest 06 Aug, 2018
6 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED PayPal_Rest – 04 Aug, 2018
5 paypal_rest.CHECKOUT.ORDER.COMPLETED PayPal_Rest – 03 Aug, 2018
4 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.PENDING PayPal_Rest – 09 Jul, 2018
3 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.PENDING PayPal_Rest – 07 Jul, 2018
2 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.PENDING PayPal_Rest – 07 Jul, 2018
1 paypal_rest.PAYMENT.SALE.PENDING PayPal_Rest – 07 Jul, 2018

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

You can export to csv and upload it here

yann replied 6 years ago

csv is what I pasted here. I cannot find how to upload. drag and drop is not working.

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

we need to see the payload of the request. can you send us the login privately at

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


We managed to identify the issue and will push a fix in the next release hopefully next week