Integrate with Agora Real-time messaging Web SDK API(4.x)

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalIntegrate with Agora Real-time messaging Web SDK API(4.x)
wafie.leo asked 3 years ago
Hi Support,

I would like to seek your assistance on how to use Agora Real-Time Messaging Web SDK API as per this link. I already download the plugins and use it demo which is in NodeJS and I have problems to build a UI for Laravel version since officially, they only support for JavaScript. Highly appreciate to get your assistance and advise on this. Thanks.

Best Regards,
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 3 years ago
Hello, We're happy to implement this as custom development, please reach us for for the detailed requirements and will get back to you with quote.    
wafie.leo replied 3 years ago


this has been answered on last friday and I understood on the cost involved. due to our circumstances, we will not proceed with your offer.

laraship Staff replied 3 years ago

No worries.
wish you best of luck with your project 🙂