In e-commerce module the attribute order is not displayed in the view form

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsIn e-commerce module the attribute order is not displayed in the view form
martin asked 6 years ago
If you create an attribute in the e-commerce module the order is always displayed as 0 in the view attributes/create_edit.blade.php (but correctly inserted in the database)

In the view the line:
{!! CoralsForm::number('display_order','Ecommerce::attributes.attributes.order',true,0,['min'=>0]) !!}
should be:

{!! CoralsForm::number('display_order','Ecommerce::attributes.attributes.order',true,$attribute->display_order,['min'=>0]) !!}
martin replied 6 years ago

Plus: it seems like that the attributes are not sorted by order (‘display_order’) when they are displayed in a product.
I guess in Corals/modules/Ecommerce/Models/Product.php@renderProductOptions
should be something like:
$fields = $fields->sortBy(‘display_order’);
$input = ”;