In E-Commerce module or generally in custom fields it would be nice to have file-upload as an attribute for the products

Laraship QuestionsCategory: New feature RequestIn E-Commerce module or generally in custom fields it would be nice to have file-upload as an attribute for the products
martin asked 6 years ago
It would be nice to have file-upload as an attribute for the products or in general as a custom field.
At the moment there are:

'custom_field_setting' => [
'resource_url' => 'custom-fields',
'presenter' => \Corals\Settings\Transformers\CustomFieldSettingPresenter::class,
'supported_types' => [
'text' => 'Settings::attributes.custom_field.type_options.text',
'textarea' => 'Settings::attributes.custom_field.type_options.textarea',
'date' => '',
'number' => 'Settings::attributes.custom_field.type_options.number',
'select' => '',
'checkbox' => 'Settings::attributes.custom_field.type_options.checkbox',
'radio' => '',
'multi_values' => 'Settings::attributes.custom_field.type_options.multi_values',
'label' => 'Settings::attributes.custom_field.type_options.label'
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago
Hello Martin, Thanks for your recommendations, we have passed this to the developers and they can discuss the release of this feature