I can’t select product image for show front page

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalI can’t select product image for show front page
SANDEEP AGGARWAL asked 2 years ago
Hi Team, When I edit product I try to set product image as front image. But  I can't select product image for show front page. Star option is showing, When mouse moved it will disappear soon. Please let me share How I select star icon for set product image. Thanks & Regards    
laraship Staff replied 2 years ago

Hello,the star icon will show when you hover in the images uploaded

SANDEEP AGGARWAL replied 2 years ago

Hi Team,

Yes, when hover the image star icon is showing correct place. But I can’t select the star icon. That one is major issue.

SANDEEP AGGARWAL replied 2 years ago

Hi Team

Is there any other way to show the product image in the front page.

laraship Staff replied 2 years ago

can you reproduce the issue on demo sites, also can you provide us with Log file under storage/logs/laravel.log

SANDEEP AGGARWAL replied 2 years ago

Hi Team,

Thanks for the swift response. Let me check demo sites and update.

How I share my Log file? . Here no option to upload my log file.

SANDEEP AGGARWAL replied 2 years ago

Hi Team, Please consider this message as priority one take action. We are waiting for the long time.

SANDEEP AGGARWAL replied 2 years ago

Hi Team, Please let me guide how I check demo site. I can’t find out the demo product upload option. Thanks