How to upload image when a client wanted to upload image for advertisement

Laraship QuestionsCategory: ConfigurationHow to upload image when a client wanted to upload image for advertisement
lucy_34 asked 6 years ago

hello, i'm doing some testing and i cannot find the option to upload image for advertisement.

i have just order your script, under the domain name

i cannot manage to find it in the script.

best regards

1 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


We justed created a sample listing with image and it worked fine

once you createthe listing you will be redirected to edit page with image uploaded

lucy_34 replied 6 years ago

i have just done an add and the image is not showing now.

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

There might be a limitation on your server om image size and type, please check with them

lucy_34 replied 6 years ago

with hosgator

lucy_34 replied 6 years ago

Hello Dear Webmaster, is there a way I could remove front page LARASHIP & add my domain page SAVYPAGE