How to display different languages with CMS pages in frontend?

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalHow to display different languages with CMS pages in frontend?
martin asked 6 years ago

As a test I created a page with three different languages:

containing: langtest en, langtest br and langtest en

If change the language with:

only the english language is ever displayed.

How to enable different languages for the frontend pages?


2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


I see your point, this is related to getRendereContent function at content.php

a simple fix will be at Corals/modules/CMS/Models/Content.php

Replace line 88

$content = $this->attributes['content'];


$content = $this->getAttributeValue('content');

will push the fix to our update server in few mins :)

Thanks fo pointing that

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Fixed corals-cms version: 1.9.1

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


this issue was dude to CKEDITOR was not supporting Localization however this should be working fine now, and it has been added in the new released

and you can check the demos again.


Laraship Support

martin replied 6 years ago

No I saw the bug report about the editor – this one is for displaying the language content in the frontend without being logged in.
I found a solution though – I had to add the following to Corals/modules/CMS/Traits/CMSControllerFunctions.php :

public function show(Request $request, $slug = ”) {

$item = $item->toContentType();

$locale = app()->getLocale();

foreach ($item->getAttributes() as $attribute => $value) {
if ($item->isTranslatableAttribute($attribute)) {
if ($item->hasTranslation($locale, $attribute)) {
$item->setAttribute($attribute, $item->getTranslation($attribute, $locale));


martin replied 6 years ago

Thanks. But what’s about the other attributes like title, meta_keywords & meta_description?