How to add new navigation menu in admin panel

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalHow to add new navigation menu in admin panel
Xoom User asked 6 years ago

We have laraship admin panel that is purchased and we have put on our development server. / 123456

We would like to add one menu item "Category" in navigation and then when clicked, it should display right side contents with data from database and allow add category button with form fields

  • 1) Select Category - dropdown with options C1, C2, C3 2) Description - textbox and submit button.

We are unable to connect how to do this. We have clear idea on coding but initial connection does not happen and it shows 404 page not found. We tried to copy methods like other menu "users" on screen but not helping.

Can you please provide proper workflow steps to follow to achieve this?

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4 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

You are at the roles page, not the menu page, the menu management is under Administration => Menu

Xoom User replied 6 years ago

Thanks. I know Admin -> Menu. I can add item there but I do not know how to connect pages to these menu. IF I add say Category same as Roles via Admin->Menu, if I run, it shows menu in navigation but when I click on it shows 404 always. So I am not clear how to connect it with my file structure. Do I need to create any files in code which i need to specify somewhere so it connects?

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Category URL should be : shop?category=tablets

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

We are not sure what you are trying to do here,

what does the category URL mean here ?

if this is a customization you made we wont be able to know the issue without digging into the code, our consultation service is $25 / hour

Xoom User answered 6 years ago

Here I add category menu item using administration , route path is highlight bellow so can access this category route which web.php use for define this route and where i create veiw page for this category item , When i click on category it redirect this route by 404 page not found occure so explain me how can i add functionality fir this and and where i define route and where i create view for this menu/role item
