How do I reserve “pages” or “pages content” based on subscription?

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalHow do I reserve “pages” or “pages content” based on subscription?
avitriosoft asked 6 years ago


I see that you can reserve "Categories" that contain "Posts" for certain paid subscriptions, but how do you do this for Pages and Pages Content?

It would be really cool if one of the delimiters for reserving a page, post or ecommerce product for a specified subscription would be by a specified "Tag" i.e. Subscritption Silver: Tag on Page, Post or Ecommerce Product "subsilver"

Thanks for your excellent support.


1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Thank you, most of our clients rely on category to make it easier to manage, however if you are looking to customization services feel free to contact us at

avitriosoft replied 6 years ago

So categories and posts are the only way to reserve content for a subscription right now?