
Martin Knops asked 6 years ago

Hi there

in my app i want to use the formid's from the formtable but i want them hashed like you use them in the formbuilder.

What hasid do you use?



2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Instead of using $form->id you can get the hashed id by access $form->hashed_d

info replied 6 years ago

it’s an external app using only the database

info replied 6 years ago

i will try to explain better. in my external app i want users to select a form crated in the form builder so i can dynamically create the embed code like this

But there is a hashed ID in the URL. In my external app i access the form builder database and get the form ID’s, now i want the to be hased the same way you hash them so i can create the embed code.

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Hello, We are using hashids/hashids package to generate Hashed Ids