Hi there,
Your sister company AWS.ps deploy the site to AWS. Thank you.
I still have some issues. I don't know why. I sent an email to them but I didn't get an answer.
These are the issues:
1- Form Builder Forms shortcut cannot be copied by clicking. When manually copy and paste the short code to a page it gives Error 500. When getting the embedded code and inserting pages manually, only works for Super User but not working for members (it gives 404 error) Could you check it.
2- In Catch Management 'media-library : clean' command gave 'media-library: clean command does not exist' error
3- I cannot delete the custom fields.
4- No Hierarchy button in Marketplace - Categories
5- Under CMS - Internal Content give 404 error ( page not found)
These are the issues. I attached the screenshots, also you can reach the site using super admin credentials ( I didn't change yet). Could you please check for me these issues and let me know.
Thank you for your effort,
1 Answers
check the following please:
1- Form Builder Forms shortcut cannot be copied by clicking. When manually copy and paste the short code to a page it gives Error 500. When getting the embedded code and inserting pages manually, only works for Super User but not working for members (it gives 404 error) Could you check it.
we did changes to the form builder copy shortcodes, now you have two shortcodes one for the content which used in cms content(@form(contact-us)), and another one for blade files ({!!\Shortcode::compile('form','contact-us')!!}).
2- In Catch Management ‘media-library : clean’ command gave ‘media-library: clean command does not exist’ error Fixed
3- I cannot delete the custom fields.
4- No Hierarchy button in Marketplace – Categories
5- Under CMS – Internal Content give 404 error ( page not found)
This is because the Blog page slug under cms settings changed
so you should change the menu url to the new slug to be (cms/{slug}) Thanks
check the following please:
1- Form Builder Forms shortcut cannot be copied by clicking. When manually copy and paste the short code to a page it gives Error 500. When getting the embedded code and inserting pages manually, only works for Super User but not working for members (it gives 404 error) Could you check it.
we did changes to the form builder copy shortcodes, now you have two shortcodes one for the content which used in cms content(@form(contact-us)), and another one for blade files ({!!\Shortcode::compile('form','contact-us')!!}).
2- In Catch Management ‘media-library : clean’ command gave ‘media-library: clean command does not exist’ error Fixed
3- I cannot delete the custom fields.
4- No Hierarchy button in Marketplace – Categories
5- Under CMS – Internal Content give 404 error ( page not found)
This is because the Blog page slug under cms settings changed
so you should change the menu url to the new slug to be (cms/{slug}) Thanks
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Hi there thank you for answers. but still forms not seen by members in front-end.. Only Super User can see in front end. I don’t know what is wrong.
I’ve tried the case and couldn’t reproduce the mentioned case,
can you provide us with the steps to reproduce?
Hi Saeed
I figure out the problem and solve it. It’s about roles permissions. I granted for members and problem was solved.
Thanks for your help.