Form Builder Multi-Step

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalForm Builder Multi-Step
tsalivesignals asked 6 years ago
Morning, I have purchased form builder module but do not seem to have the option for multi-step available (unlike documentation and demo) - IOW there is no 'Page 1' and '+ Page' tab bar at the top of the form design area. Can you please advise ? Thanks, Steve
3 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


You should be able to update the form builder to the latest version, you can use the command

php artisan corals:modules --action=update  --type=module --module_name=corals-form-builder --force

tsalivesignals replied 6 years ago

Ok thanks but why is download version not latest version ?


laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Good question, because Order Manager is still connected IUpdate Manager, we are working on a solution for, hopefully in the near future, however we also recommend we’re trying to make a single channel of the update for consistency.

tsalivesignals replied 6 years ago

Confirming that we have run the commands and still the Page tabs are not available.

Please advise.


tsalivesignals replied 6 years ago

Also when log in to the app with suoeradmin credentials (default), I get a toast message saying ‘Unable to contact update server’ or somilar. If this is accurate, could this be the issue ? If so, where do we check logs for confirming info ?


laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Please check laravel.log file under storarge/logs/laravel.log

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

The only explanation that you only deleted these menu items!

tsalivesignals replied 6 years ago


Confirming we have never seen tgese menu items since installing the module and certainly haven’t knowingky or consciousky deleted them !

Confirming we have looked at logs and there seeems to be nothing related to modules update error or similar in there.

Please advise.


tsalivesignals replied 6 years ago

Also confirming ee ran the below but still no luck:

php artisan corals:modules –action=update –type=module –module_name=all

Its highly recommended to backup application files and database before performing updates, are you sure you want to proceed ? (yes/no) [no]:
> yes

All modules are up to date

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Please send us your app login to check at

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Please send us your app login to check at

tsalivesignals replied 6 years ago

Have sent credentials as requested.


laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


We already verified that you have the frontend menus under your installation !!

and For FormBuilder Plugin update seems you have removed the Updater URL from the .env file


tsalivesignals replied 6 years ago


Couple of things:

1. This thread has nothing to do with front end menu items.
2. We did not alter any URL in .env. Have you checked it actually exists in the download version ?

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Your comment has been modified

We cant check .env as we dont have ftp , please check your self and verify, then do the changes as marked above.