Form Builder issue or just a Question?

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsForm Builder issue or just a Question?
foliends asked 6 years ago
OK, I have a user account which subscribed to the Free Form Builder, but in the user Account you don't see the Form Builde issue or ME? The Paypal payment process just shows it spinning but never completing the payment process... Robert
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


These products are just sample products we are adding to to demonistrate and its not connected to any functionality

foliends replied 6 years ago

Meaning the form builder is only for me available not the customers?

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

To activate Form Builder for another Role, you need to proovide them the access from both Rules Managment and from Menu Management.

Please check screenshot below

foliends replied 6 years ago

Thank you very helpful!!!!!!

I have one more question about this, I noticed when I active the form and settings they see my get-response keys
that shouldn’t be or and if they change them my keys are also changed


foliends replied 6 years ago

the mail clients you have added is more for the admin not user ?

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Sorry, I don’t understand the question

foliends replied 6 years ago

well in the roles you can set the


but when activating these they have access to the system and see my settings and if they make changes it changes on my backend also… Correct?

So, I have to keep these inactive for users?


foliends replied 6 years ago

Sorry about all the questions… Robert