First view of a short code embeded form works, but as soon as it has been cached the following error occur:
[previous exception] [object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Undefined variable: short_code at /Users/../Sites/../storage/framework/views/e5a1042d9ddac5f2b5dab8d7959bd68e31f089ed.php:250)
After clearing the view cache, it works but only until you refresh the page.
After clearing the view cache, it works but only until you refresh the page.
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Where is the shortcode embedded ?
Embedded in a blade file, is this not allowed?
@form(contact-us) works once, after cache not anymore.
data-embed-src div does not work at all, so that's why I did not use it.
I have the exact same problem! has a solution been found for this?