Extra modules for resellers, licenses etc..

Laraship QuestionsCategory: SalesExtra modules for resellers, licenses etc..
Henk Nienhuis asked 6 years ago

is it possible to make reseller account, what can add users and with the license plugin to select from a pool of 100 license, what only the admin can create, one license to a user?

for this i need to buy the e-commerce platform. I dont see it in the shop.

so i need beside the current license i have:

1) license plugin

2) ecommerce plugin.

3) anything i miss!!

we dont have front page, just a cms to controle all. Will you plugin work for us.

I wait 1 week to get the right answers!!!!!!!!

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


As we already replied via email there is no addtional modules required to support this resellaers can register and add as many license quantity to the cart and proceed with the payment