Export form submissions to excel not working (formbuilder)

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalExport form submissions to excel not working (formbuilder)
Martin Knops asked 5 years ago
When exporting the submitted forms, not all data is exported, only the first few fields. Need help to solve this. Regards Martin
Martin Knops replied 5 years ago

Hi there, is there any progress?


2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

Hello Martin,

Good news, Form Builder updated to version 2.3, please update it from Module Manager.


laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

Hello Martin,

You mean by few fields the ones the ones showing in the data table columns ?

Martin Knops replied 5 years ago

yes, only the ones showing in the table columns!

Martin Knops replied 5 years ago

Hi there, When do you have time to take a look at this problem?

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

our team has already identified the issue and they need to find another way other than datatable export, fas workaround you can mark the fields to show in the columns to show in the table

Martin Knops replied 5 years ago

thanx for the reply!
is there any progress?