Error on Registration at 11:55 PM IST

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalError on Registration at 11:55 PM IST
bhavika asked 6 years ago


Please check i started getting this error at 11 55 pm IST time for registration screen, inspite of the following functionality working earlier few minutes ago and no change made to that code.

Connection could not be established with host [Network is unreachable #101]

Let me know as to why we are facing this.

2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Its not recommended to use GMAIL as SMTP provider and it can be blocked any time

Bhavika Patel replied 6 years ago

we have made necessary setting on gmail that we do for our other laravel projects. But as a doubt we will update it to some other domain and test it once.

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Email Functionality is shipping with vendor and we havent made any changes to it, so we gurantee its working 100%.

Server issues debugging is only available for Extended License only.

Bhavika Patel replied 6 years ago

thanks, by anychance is there a chance that we have not added license on our development server hence its not happening?

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

No, License totally unrelated here.