Display product variations as dropdown

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalDisplay product variations as dropdown
shop asked 2 years ago

Hi, I want to change the way the variations appear on the front-end. At the moment they show up as big blocks with an image.
I want to change that to make it appear like shopify, to just select the variations individually like size and color. (screenshot attached)


In my product details page when setting up the variations, there is no field to select how th variations should display in the front end.

Screenshot attached.

2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 2 years ago
Hello Variations currently can be shown either dropdown or with variations displayed, the way you are looking for is not available yet, we are happy to implement it as custom developmentĀ    Thanks
shop replied 2 years ago

Hi there, I was trying to find even to display as a dropdown but couldn’t find anything. where can I set it to show up as dropdown?

laraship Staff replied 2 years ago

its a configuration on the product details

shop replied 2 years ago

Do you mind telling me how to find it? if it was somewhere in the product details I’d have seen it.

shop replied 2 years ago

Main post updated.

laraship Staff answered 2 years ago

Below are the Configuration settings under product details, it can be shown in the demo as well
