Private: Disable Wishlist

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalPrivate: Disable Wishlist
Michael Chen asked 5 years ago
Hi, We have disabled wishlist from the eCommerce side. See attached screenshots. Still we see Wishlist on shop page. Please advice. Thanks, Sheela
Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

I couldn’t add one more attachment as limit is only 2. This is from product_grid_item.blade.php

@if(\Settings::get(‘ecommerce_wishlist_enable’, true))
@include(‘partials.components.wishlist’,[‘wishlist’=> $product->inWishList()])

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

can you send us a screenshot of the wishlist settings on the settings screen, is it defined as boolean or text . ?

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Where is this settings?

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

its Under Settings => eCommerce Tab

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

See attached.