Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalDIFFERENTIATING VENDORS AND BUYERS
info6 asked 5 years ago
Hello, how can i differentiate between vendors and buyers in laraship marketplace. it seems that both buyers and vendors have the same account creation process, the same login process, and i do not see how i can differentiate betwen the two systems. Is it possible to define a separate process of vendors to create their account, and how can i have different menue for vendors and for customers.
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Any Initial registration willl be granted the buyer access by default, as its normal to give every one access to purchase.

To enroll to the vendor role you can set it to either to subscribe or just to enroll through the enrollment page.

In Each Menu item you can specify the roles for, so you can set whether this menu item should go to the seller or buyer or both.

info6 replied 5 years ago

this is all confusing, is there not a detailed method of defining these.

1)If i need to have any member can register as a vendor, but they have to subscribe to plan. how is that done.

2)These plans, how do i define them, and how do i define which plans cust what %.

3)If i need for all vendors to have a single rate, how do i define that

4)The commission deducted, how is it split. does it settle to our account then we manually settle
5) is it possible to define rate based on number of sales made.

Kindly i really need assistance.

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

Please check the marketplace configuration page at our documentation, we're happy to add any missing info needed.
1)If i need to have any member can register as a vendor, but they have to subscribe to plan. how is that done.
its answered in the configuration doc above
2)These plans, how do i define them, and how do i define which plans cust what %.
Under Subscriptions Menu, there are products Menu, create a products, assign features and plans, and then attach this product to the marketplace from Laraship settings.
3)If i need for all vendors to have a single rate, how do i define that
Its on our documentation
4)The commission deducted, how is it split. does it settle to our account then we manually settle
please checkour documentation about transactions https://www.laraship.com/docs/laraship/marketplace-module/transactions/
5) is it possible to define rate based on number of sales made.
Currently No, but we can add it a customization service