Customize e-commerce theme to let user choose a specific date

Laraship QuestionsCategory: New feature RequestCustomize e-commerce theme to let user choose a specific date
Michael Leonzio asked 5 years ago

Hi, i would like to customize e-commerce theme to let user choose a specific date when purchase a product. is there a way to do it using any available feature or by updating the backend without affecting any future updates? if there is no such feature, it would be great to have one.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Have you tried creating a date attribute and attach it to the product attributes

michaelleonzio replied 5 years ago

its working. thanks!! is there a way to make it show as many as quantity? for example if i put 10quantity, then it will ask to input 10 dates for each 1 of quantity.