Customisation and Addresses

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCustomisation and Addresses
Michael Chen asked 5 years ago
We have a couple of customisation to carry out. 1. Can a User have 1 billing address but multiple shipping addresses? I could see something called Multiple Profile Addresses.  How do i do it? 2. We want to restrict User's Brand and Category access. 3. Also, we want to provide product discount on a Brand level for a user. Any of these are inbuilt or can you point me to the right direction on doing these changes? Also, what is the 'classification' under Users section? Thanks, Sheela
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello Michael.
  • In User Profile there Address Management where you can define types, but currently, for address type, only one address can be filled
  • Can you explain what is the restriction level?
  • User classification can be used for specifying custom price per classification, for example, Silver price, gold price, this feature is available on Marketplace module 
Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Where is Address Management? Under Users , we have Users and Roles.

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

I am referring to Classification under Users. See attached screenshot. Do you have any other documentation apart from this <a href="; rel="nofollow"></a&gt;?

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Restriction level means, customer can see only particular brand and categories under shop.

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

We are still waiting for your reply.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago


The Brand restriction feature is not available, the classification as mentioned only applied for Marketplace currently.
For Documentation, is our official documentation

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Hi, What about Address Management? Please reply to all my questions. I am confused what is the classification under Users then? I have sent you screenshots. Can you refer those?

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

We already replied to your question above about addresses management. you can check the link below for what we are referring to

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

I cant see the User module. See attached screenshots. I did sent this before. Under which tab is this? Can you reply with screenshots so that we can understand. It is very difficult to understand in one word what you are saying. Again asking you regarding classification field in Users. See attached screenshot.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

The doc URL has screenshots, no need to repeat things

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Are you serious? Have you seen what i have sent you? What will i do with your screenshot? I dont see profile under my installation. Your installation might have many things.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

This is the e-commerce package what you purchases

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

I cant see any profile tab under admin section. What is the classification field under User tab. Refer my previous screenshot.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

send us login at to check

for classification it has the only used for Marketplace module as mentioned before, so you can ignore it in eCommerce

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

We want to set custom pricing for a user. From my understanding, the produt listing is fetched from Corals\Modules\Ecommerce\Http\Controllers\index(), which then calls $products = Shop::getProducts($request); on line 27.

So my question is, how do I identify if request is for a logged in user and user Id of the logged in user?

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Can you please reply asap?

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Hi, It has been 2 days now. We thought response time for a licensed user is 2hr?

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Your comment is not related to your original question and you need to open a new question first and our team will respond immediately