Custom Plugin – I have followed instructions from
all seems clear (except the instructions may need an update as uses “Foo” not “Foobar”) I have replaced case sensitive Foo/foo files folders + updated the DB migration file. I see my new custom module but when I go to install the new module I get a red “Server Error”. I have renamed the _module.json, cleared application cache before/after “composer update” install (ran this a couple of times).
Any Guidance would be appreciated.
1 Answers
Imagine "Foo" is your plugin name and "Bar" is a model inside this module, for example if you want to build a CRM system with contact management then you can replace "Foo" with "CRM" and "Bar" with Contact
You need to enable logging or view app logs to know what is the error as "server error" is very genric error
Yes I get that, I was just highlighting for newbies. Thanks the app debug helped find my error. Wasn’t aware that was built in, very handy.
(for others change in .env)
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