creating new module

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicalcreating new module
equipetechnique asked 6 years ago
Hello, i am trying to create a new module from the "Foo" skeleton module as mentioned here: After cloning foo and renaming the "foo" files to "especes", i cannot install my module i get the error "Module not exists" in the module administration page: What could i have missed? Thank you!
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Have you renamed the file _module.json to module.json (remove the underscore) and you will prbably need to clear cache to rescan modules

equipetechnique replied 6 years ago

Yes i had.
The problem was that i had already created the required tables in my database for the module as i did not know they were being automatically generated on installation of the module.
a sql “Table already exists” error was thrown preventing the module from being installed.

closing the issue.

i however still have problems. the module only returns 404s now. I have asked a new question for this.

Thank you.