Cart item error info keep popping out.

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCart item error info keep popping out.
Michael Leonzio asked 5 years ago

when i open the cart on e-commerce, it is working fine but keep popping out error exception as the picture attached. can please help me out and tell me how to stop it?
laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Where do you see this notice error ?

Michael Leonzio replied 5 years ago

i see these errors from since we add our project to to monitor the errors.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago


Thanks for the info, this is as you mentioned a notice message so it shouldn’t affect the application however we will fix it next release.


Michael Leonzio replied 5 years ago

ok, noted it. by the way the errors notice were not only that. a lot of other things sent out errors such as $cart->option etc and would be too many to put it here. anyway please make it to sent out no errors because it is confusing to check which are caused by our personal theme/class and which are not.

thank you so much for your support.