Cart Item duplicated

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsCart Item duplicated
Wafie Ali asked 3 years ago
I have an issue with Cart grid page and summary getting duplicated for same product or variation instead of increase quantity. This happened after page refresh or re-visit after use changed to another pages previously. The scenario as per this:- 1. From UI, when click 'Add To Cart' repeteadly without refreshing page, it will only add on quantity and update price. 2. But when refreshing page, visit another pages a while or check 'Cart Details', the repeated steps will duplicated as new items. 3. For same products or variations, I would like it to only added quantities and update prices instead of duplicating. hope can helps. I ask via whatsapp, the person said it has been resolved but unsure upon released. Kindly advise and feel free to advise on specific file or functions. We might not conveniently to update via UI for live production site. Thanks.
laraship Staff replied 3 years ago

Hello Waffle.
Our team was able to identify the issue and working on a fix, hopefully, will release the fix before October

wafie.leo replied 3 years ago

Is there any non-release or beta version of the latest fix since we need to submit our project by end of September? Perhaps on some controller function or class related to this Cart features. Thanks

wafie.leo replied 3 years ago

Hi Support,

For this issue, I try to updates on separate project solely for getting updates as per official release. Then I compare it as per my current working project. What I do is:-

1. I copy a function from CartPublicController(function addToCart) and Classes folder in Marketplace module from latest updated project.
2. Copy both inside Marketplace module on current working project.

So far, it works. Since we have some manual customizations, so it is quite impossible to update directly from module page in Super User roles. Thus, this is the best we have for the time being. Thank you.

laraship Staff replied 3 years ago

We highly recommend you to wait as the new version will have other features not just the fix

wafie.leo replied 3 years ago

Understood. Will consider for future projects or enhancements. Since we are out of time to finish current project by end of this Sept 2021.