Cart Amount is not getting clear

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCart Amount is not getting clear
Michael Chen asked 5 years ago
Hello, I have placed an order and order is successfully paid as well. On Thank you page, i still cart amount, it is not getting clear. Also, after successful order placed. Shop page also shows cart amount, it should be zero. I have attached screenshots for you. Please advice.
laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

can you replicate this on our demo websites ?

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

We just tested the demo and the cart is cleared

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

How did you tested? For us getting an error on demo site. I have sent you all details with respect to our file. In our site cart is not getting cleared. Why is that?

Michael Chen replied 5 years ago

Can you reply?