Can not display Features on Subscription

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCan not display Features on Subscription
CT asked 4 years ago
From fresh install Go to Dashboard > Subscriptions > Click on 6 Features A pop is display with this follow message : DataTables warning: table id=FeaturesDataTable - Cannot reinitialise DataTable. For more information about this error, please see (See screenshot) DataTables warning: table id=FeaturesDataTable - Cannot reinitialise DataTable. For more information about this error, please see
laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

Hello Chabouni.

can you send us the log file under storage/logs/laravel.log

Chabouni Toufik replied 4 years ago


the logs directory is empty.

I use the debbugar and there is no issue display too, if you want i can send you the 3 files but i don’t how. There is no functionality on this screen to send you files. Should i create an other ticket for that ?

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laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

Please make sure debugging is enabled, the error you’re posing is very generic and caused by receiving an unexpected response from the backend, either an error or non compatible response

Chabouni Toufik replied 4 years ago

Thank you for your advice my friend. I already use debugging mode and no issue is display. But you have exactly the same problem on your demo : . I’m a computer engineer too, but on another language and I don’t want to modify the code to avoid encountering a problem during a next update. We also have a problem

Chabouni Toufik replied 4 years ago

I create a custom field to marketplace product (radio box) and i tried to make an other product and the website site show an internal error 500. I am a very good tester too :D.

laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting the issues, our team will look into it and let you know.

2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, The issue is fixed one, it was effecting datatables with reordering enabled, that's why you saw it on Subscription Features and widgets :) please update coral-foundation module to 5.3
Chabouni Toufik replied 4 years ago

Hello, Thank you a lot. And bravo for your efficiency. You are the best.

laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, Custom Fields issue is fixed too, please make sure you have corals-foundation and settings modules are up to date.
Chabouni Toufik replied 4 years ago

Hello, Thank you a lot. And bravo for your efficiency. You are the best again.