Auto Redirect

st3fan asked 5 years ago
The auto redirect for a member towards profile#subscriptions is most likely breaking direct linking of certain pages.   Whenever I go to /profile it will redirect me to profile#subscriptions directly unless I typ /profile#profile.   /profile#profile does work, when this is added to the URL it will go towards this page, but the following urls dont work directly:


It could have something to do with the auto redirect, or nothing at all.
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, This is Subscription Module forces the subscription tab to be active, I think it makes sense to make it your way, we will reach our dev team about it
Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

great thanks

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Any idea when this is implemented, what version will this be in?

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

please remove the auto close function, it is not suited because you did not resolve the ticket yet…

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Hello Stefan,
as mentioned we added it to the backlog, however we dont have a timeline for this

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

thanks, where can I find this auto redirect to profile#subscriptions in the meantime? Been searching for a few days already.

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello under  Corals/core/User/Http/Controllers/ProfileController.php index function 
$active_tab = 'profile';
$active_tab = \Filters::do_filter('active_profile_tab', $active_tab, user());
return view('auth.profile')->with(compact('active_tab'));
  you will in subscription service provider :
\Filters::add_filter('active_profile_tab', [Subscription::class, 'set_subscription_active_tab'], 10);
public function set_subscription_active_tab($tab, $user)
if ($user->hasPermissionTo('Subscriptions::subscriptions.subscribe')) {
$tab = 'subscriptions';
return $tab;
Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Thats great thank you so much! I removed the if statement from the set_subscription_active_tab function and now I can deeplink towards these without a problem:
