It could have something to do with the auto redirect, or nothing at all.
great thanks
Any idea when this is implemented, what version will this be in?
please remove the auto close function, it is not suited because you did not resolve the ticket yet…
Hello Stefan,
as mentioned we added it to the backlog, however we dont have a timeline for this
thanks, where can I find this auto redirect to profile#subscriptions in the meantime? Been searching for a few days already.
$active_tab = 'profile';you will in subscription service provider :
$active_tab = \Filters::do_filter('active_profile_tab', $active_tab, user());
return view('auth.profile')->with(compact('active_tab'));
\Filters::add_filter('active_profile_tab', [Subscription::class, 'set_subscription_active_tab'], 10);
public function set_subscription_active_tab($tab, $user)
if ($user->hasPermissionTo('Subscriptions::subscriptions.subscribe')) {
$tab = 'subscriptions';
return $tab;
Thats great thank you so much! I removed the if statement from the set_subscription_active_tab function and now I can deeplink towards these without a problem:
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