After update problem occurred

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsAfter update problem occurred
Shimax asked 6 years ago

hiI have got some problem after downloading last update. i have updated some, but couldn\'t update E-commerce manager and content management system module because its missing these files after downloaded last update.Trait \'Corals\Modules\Utility\Traits\Rating\ReviewRateable\' not foundso i have commented out name space and remove that trait in User.php and Product.phpTrait \'Corals\Modules\Utility\Traits\Wishlist\Wishlistable\' not foundso i have commented out name space and remove that trait in Product.phpClass \'Corals\Modules\Utility\Facades\Utility\' not foundso i have commented out utility facade name space and Utility::addToUtilityModules(\'CMS\'); in register method.and later another problem in post.phpTrait \'Corals\Modules\Utility\Traits\Tag\HasTags\' not foundso i commented out HasTags namespace and removed that traitand then Trait \'Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable\' not foundso i commented out sluggable namespace and removed sluggable trait in product.phpand everything works fine except i couldn\'t update E-commerce manager and content management system module because the module/utility folder is missing and i think sluggable trait too.can you please look for this me as soon as possible. Many thanks to you

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


You need to download Corals Utility Module.

$ php artisan corals:modules --action=download --type=module  --module_name=corals-utility

$ composer update

$ php artisan corals:modules --action=install --type=module --module_name=corals-utility

athif1978 replied 6 years ago
