add to cart problem

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicaladd to cart problem
asma.h.almalki asked 4 years ago

when deploy my app to server (Laravel vapor serverless) add to cart not work , the success message showed (product has been added to cart successfully)  but cart still empty.












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

Can you check laravel log file under storage/logs/ and see if there are any errors

asma.h.almalki replied 4 years ago

in vapor I can’t check files but in vapor dashboard logs not showed any error

asma.h.almalki replied 4 years ago
Is the issue in the link may cause the problem ?

asma.h.almalki replied 4 years ago

I add screenshots show session value for shopping cart , could you please check it

laraship Staff replied 4 years ago


the screenshot is not displaying anything, can you send us laravel.log file to check

asma.h.almalki replied 4 years ago

I uploaded log file and screenshot for debuting shopping cart session value when click add to cart button.