500 error when creating a product

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technical500 error when creating a product
jonatan asked 5 years ago
On a fresh Laraship Marketplace installation, and logged in as the Super user (administrator), I get a 500 error when trying to create a product on Marketplace > Products > Create (/marketplace/products/create). I have attached a screenshot of the error page and the log file. During the installation (using the command "php artisan corals:install") I installed the Pro theme and chose to import demo data. PHP version is 7.4.2. Thaks in advance,
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello Jonathan, Can you switch to PHP 7.3 and see if you're still getting the error?  We're still haven't released PHP 7.4 compatibility and hopefully, it will be coming in the next few weeks   Thanls
jonatan replied 5 years ago

Yes, switching to PHP 7.3 did resolve the issue.

Looking forward to PHP 7.4 support.

Best regards,