Error in Datatables

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalError in Datatables
salah asked 6 years ago
Hi when click users I get [2018-11-06 10:07:11] local.ERROR: Declaration of CoralsFoundationDataTablesCoralsBuilder::addAction(array $attributes = Array) should be compatible with YajraDataTablesHtmlBuilder::addAction(array $attributes = Array, $prepend = false) {"userId":1,"email":"","exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Declaration of Corals\Foundation\DataTables\CoralsBuilder::addAction(array $attributes = Array) should be compatible with Yajra\DataTables\Html\Builder::addAction(array $attributes = Array, $prepend = false) at C:\xampp\htdocs\flarepoint\Corals\core\Foundation\DataTables\CoralsBuilder.php:9)
1 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Hello Salah,

Our team were able to reproduce the issue that caused by a new version release by yajara data tables, the fix has been pushed for Update server, for standard license users please follow the steps to fix it :

Edit Corals/core/Foundation/DataTables/CoralsBuilder.php Line #222


     public function addAction(array $attributes = [])


    public function addAction(array $attributes = [], $prepend = false)