how to make custom route accessible only to certain subscription levels

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicalhow to make custom route accessible only to certain subscription levels
george gall asked 2 years ago
I looked at the documentation but couldn\'t find the answer there Suppose I have a custom route in web.php that gets to a controller function that returns a view.  I need this view accessible only to silver and gold members but not to bronze members of a certain subscription ?   How can I do that ?
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 2 years ago
Hello, We suggest creating a middleware that checks user current subscriptions, and if the current subscription is available then you pass the request , otherwise you can show your 403 page for example
Saeed Matar Staff answered 2 years ago
from the features form you can set the related urls for it,
the related urls accept multiple urls and in our subscription middleware it use laravel url check 